Billi Research Group
Engineering devices and technologies to diagnose, monitor, and treat musculoskeletal diseases
Orthopaedic Biology, Digital Health, Musculoskeletal Research, Wearable Technologies, 3D Printing, Smart and Functional Materials, and Smart Textiles. Particle Analysis, Bone on-a-chip, Wearable Technologies, Sensor Fusion
- Albert Einstein -
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough”
Journal Publications
Billi F, Benya P, Kavanugh A, Adams J, Ebramzadeh E, McKellop H.
The John Charnley Award: An Accurate and Extremely Sensitive Method to Separate, Display,
and Characterize Wear Debris Part 1: Polyethylene Particles.
CORR, On-line First, October 2011
Billi F, Benya P, Kavanugh A, Adams J, McKellop H, Ebramzadeh E.
The John Charnley Award: An Accurate and Extremely Sensitive Method to Separate, Display,
and Characterize Wear Debris Part 2: Metal and Ceramic Particles.
CORR, On-line First, September 2011
F. Billi, P. Benya, P. Campbell, E. Ebramzadeh, F. Chan, H. McKellop
Metal wear particles: what we know, what we dont know, and why
SAS Journal, 3, (4): 133-142; December 2009
F.Billi; P. Campbell
Nanotoxicology of Metal Wear Particles in Total Joint Arthroplasty
Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics, 8: 1 6, 2010
F. Billi, P. Benya, A. Kavanaugh, H.A. McKellop, J.V. Luck
A New Method for the Isolation of Metal Debris from Synovial Fluid.
56th Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, 2010
F.Billi, P. Benya, A. Kavanaugh, E. Ebramzadeh, HA McKellop
Morphological Analysis of Metal Wear Particles: A Unified Method for SEM or TEM Analysis
55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2009
F.Billi, P. Benya, E. Ebramzadeh, HA McKellop
An Accurate and Extremely Sensitive Method to Isolate and Display Nanoparticulate Metallic Wear Debris for Morphometric Analysis
54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2008, p. 1929